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Welcome to District Savings Office / Bureau, Sylhet

iny sand particles, tiny water droplets,

Continents are built, oceans are bottomless”

[A Success Story of Investing in Savings]

The name of the village is Harinathpur. It is a village on the banks of Yamuna river in Bera upazila under Pabna district. Bikash Kumar Kundu is a resident of this village. He has a small family with two sons and wife. Lost father 7/8 years ago. The educational qualification of both husband and wife is limited to lower secondary. However, both of them have an indomitable desire that their two children can get higher education.
Implementation of will power is inextricably linked to financial capability. Bikash Chandra Kundu is a petty trader by profession. He owns a small food shop. On the one hand, the family expenses are met with the income earned from the shop from dawn till midnight, and on the other hand, some savings are also made from the daily income. Moreover, after the death of his father, he inherited a small amount of wealth
By combining the money left by his father with his own accumulated savings, he first bought a family savings account of 1 (one) lakh rupees in the name of his wife. Wife Sumi Rani Kundu is also calculating and thrifty like her husband. Manage the DPS account of the local bank with the monthly profit of the savings paper. They also invest part of the profit in small business
They believe that everyone should make every moment count without wasting it and constantly encourage their neighbors to be frugal as well. However, many small traders have already invested in savings bonds. Prominent neighbors of their village include Anil Kundu, Spon Halder and Gopen Das (saints), Tauhida Begum and Hafiza Begum among the investors in savings bonds.